The challenge of the educational change: New Scenarios and Modalities of Training


  • Manuel Fandos Garrido Universitat Rovira i Virgili


The capacity of informative growth which the Net has is exponential with regard to the informative production capacity of other methods of communication. Its potential includes a bigger quantity and a faster transmission. Both the evolution of society and the introduction of information and communication technologies in all social spheres have a direct effect on the educational realm as well as on all the elements that make it up. It is because of this that nowadays we find ourselves in front of the so-called ‘fever’ of the use of technologies aimed at improving the educational processes, despite the danger that its unconscious usage may carry with it. The present effort focuses on reflecting on the start of this new formative paradigm and achieving the fist step of what ought to be a real knowledgeable society.


information and communication technologies, new formation scene, on-line formation




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