Current situation in Spain early stimulation


  • Jorge Sansalvador


Preceding historical data corcerning early stimulation begin very recently in our country, except for a few exceptions. So much on the public as on the private level, we are behind time in comparison to other developed countries, although there is some controversy between professionals and entities as to the level that has been reached in the loaning of this type of services. The services that are being offered is this sense are much dispersed amongst the different ministeries and private organisms of a specific social and economic nature. Another important aspect that must be considered in dealing with early stimulation is that the different therapeutic techniques and study areas that must be covered make professional specialization absolutely necessary, and this task is not carried out with the adequate speed or efficiency that it requires. It is expected that after the stabilization of the regional autonomies and specifically referring to the field of the education, officia1 entities will promote and economically back up early stimulation services and make them as efficient as possible, given the urgency of the problem and in order to diminish the exasperation caused by present day slowness in dealing with it.


early stimulation, Spanish history oh early stimulation, special education




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