The impact of the Family Competence Programme (PCF-AFECT) on problematic internet use in vulnerable adolescents
Given the limited number of training initiatives that address problematic internet use (PIU) among adolescents from vulnerable backgrounds, the aim of this study was to assess the impact of the Family Competence Programme (PCF) on levels of PIU and to analyse the influence of possible predictor variables, such as emotion regulation, on PIU after the intervention. Together with parental attention and care, an adolescent’s bond with their parents has been highlighted as playing a significant role in their use of the internet. The PCF includes a session on the prevention of problematic internet use. An intervention with a quasi-experimental design was conducted, with pre-test and post-test evaluations and a comparison group, with an evaluation based on five instruments: assessments of internet use, behaviour, emotional regulation and family dynamics, and an assertiveness test. Results showed that the adolescents reported less PIU after taking part in the PCF, and that emotion regulation and parent-child relations variables were found to have the highest explanatory capacity for PIU. To conclude, evidence-based family education programmes can be an effective tool in dealing with problematic use of technology by socially vulnerable adolescents.
family involvement, evidence-based program, youth problems, technology addictionReferences
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Copyright (c) 2025 Carmen Orte, María Valero, Marga Vives, Joan Amer

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