Literacy and Adult Education in Nicaragua


  • Xesús B. Paz Fernández sin datos


During February and March 1980 a National Literacy Campaign was carried out in Nicaragua. A census had previously revealed that 50,4% of the population over the age of ten was illiterate. The project was financed with national funds and various contributions from foreign countries and international organizations. The campaign was part of a political project -supported by the revolutionary organizations -which, besides putting an end to illiteracy, aimed at incorporating the population to the revolutionary process taking place. It also aimed at improving the living conditions of the peasants, by spreading hygiene and health habits, preventive medicine and housing improvements. The method used in the campaign follows P. Freire's lines adjusted to the Nicaraguan reality and to a series of political-ideological contents. The National Literacy Campaign took place thanks to the collaboration of 180. 000 young volunteers -the brigadistas- who where distributed throughout the country amongst the peasants to teach and learn from them. Before the campaign the brigadistas took training courses on political instruction and educational techniques, which they continued on a weekly basis during the campaign. With the National Literacy Campaign the illiteracy index was reduced to 12%, but the brigadistas also gained a wider knowledge of the national reality, influencing positively the living conditions of the peasants A Viceministry of Education for Adults was created when the National Literacy Campaign ended, in order to start a program of Popular Basic Education. Its main aims being to continue providing political-ideological instruction and offer basic knowledge to allow for a further technical training of the new literates.


literacy, adult education, Nicaragua




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