Psicopedagogycal work in school


  • M. Jesús Comellas Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


The complexity of the educational task requires that different professionals work together as a tearn, each member contributing with the resources and knowledge that are a product of his training. These multiprofessional teams would include: pedagogs, psychologists and educators. The team's main aim is to aid the child in achieving an optimum level in his overall development . In order to carry out this task, the child's development must be followed up from early childhood, as well as contact with the child's farnily and all those involved in his educational process. For the purpose of guidance and counseling, the child should be treated dlrectly when necessary, or if required by either his age, moment of development or situation in school.


psicopedagogycal work, mutiprofessional teams, educational guidance




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