Cyber dimension of adult learning


  • Alejandro Sanvisens Marfull


From the cybernetics point of view, learning is a process of information, condification, regulation and optimization in which an unceasing interchange is produced between the system which is the subject of learning and the fluctuating medium which entours it, with the resulting evolution produced by this dynamics. Adult learning can be understood as a domination of skills or as acquisitions, development and perfection in the structural and operational sense, in the latter case, we are dealing with a real adult education. While the process produces an adaptive, projective and introductive optimization, inscribed in the vital evolutional processes and negentropics, we found ourselves in an authentic process of a liberating education. In the cybernetic sense, we distinguish three aspects: that which is relative to the structure and function of adult education, that which is applicative, and that which refers to the utilizable means. With respect to the first facet, the educator acts as the "modeling" and "animating' ' element in the process of acquisition of guidelines of knowledge, action and expression. In the organizational field of adult education, there should be a tendency to direct it more towards non-formal systems, utilizing those which formal schooling system offer as optimizing means. Lastly, with respect to the use of the means, and given the importance of self formation in this subject which concerns us, it is convenient to promote its development and the information. The role which mass media and multi-media could occupy in this world, and in that which is to come could be of great importance if the means are not confused with the ends.


learning and technology, self-learning, non-formal adult education




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