Behavioral neurology and regulation in education


  • Joan Carles Mèlich Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona


In the last few years the master of the german pedagogue Felix von Cube -one of the pioner in the cibernetic pedagogy- has derived to a study of the human aggressivity. Cube sets out from the Verhaltensbiologie (behavior biology), and he stands that the human being is innately aggressive. The occidental contemporary culture, far to control the aggressivity, it increases it. The sport, the speed, the stress, the drugs . . . they are kinds of violence. The education has privilegiated the spoiling instead of requirement. This in the Cube pedagogic proposal derivated from the behavior biology: require instead of spoiling. But the Cube thought poses the grave problem of not to have in mind the individual and personal decision of human behavior, and culmines in the biologic reductionbm. The behavior biology is a speech about the human reality that must be completed with others equally notables.


education and biology, teaching of evolution, educational aggressive




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