Biological anthropology and education: approach to the educability


  • Petra Mª Pérez Alonso-Geta Universitat de València


The article aims at confronting some data of human neurology with some educative proposals, from the conviction that the correspondence between nervous structure and physiology on one side, and educative strategies on the other, exists, but it is still very hard to precise. Five chapters are examined and with regards to each one some aspects of educative activity is considered which can be illuminated based on some recent data deduced from the study of the human brain. Early educative strategies, the relationship between emotions and reason, the different forms of processing data in relation with the two hemispheres, the possible differentiation derived from sexuality and the subject of language, are the chapters revised in accordance with the purpose marked. As general criteria, and bearing in mind the limitation derived from the scant knowledge still had today of the human brain, emphasis is placed on the convenience of educative reflection counting progressively on the data of neurological analysis.


education and biology, teaching of evolution, educability




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