Socio-cultural animation, education and non-formal education


  • Jaume Trilla i Bernet Universitat de Barcelona


The central objective of this article is to present and to debate some conceptuals aspects of the relation between sociocultural animation (sociocultural community development) and the education. In the firts place, it debates with some newus or cool positions about the pedagogic linking of the sociocultural animation (sociocultural community development). Then, the discourse becomes positive for to present some outstanding aspects of the relation between both concepts. Finally, the place of the ASC (sociocultural animation) is analised in an educative univers divided in formal, no-formal and informal ambits. However, as an introduction, a relation of the differents levels of the ASC (sociocultural animation) teorical elaboration is sketch, for to place the theme that share to this work and to explain, so, his limitations.


social intervention, education, socio-cultural animation




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