The concept of rationality in educational technology
The Epistemological analysis of the educative technology must be done under a doble perspective of the nature of the cientific knowledge and of the educative phenomenon. Such analysis results specially necessary at this moment, when they are reviewed profoundly, specially the principles that were the foundations of the deucative technology in its beginnings. In this Paper, there are inicially presented seven main points that, under the judgement of the author, characterizes the actual educative technology: 1) Rationality 2) Systematism, 3) Planiflcation, 4) Control, 5) Clearness of goals, 6) Efficacity, 7) Optimization. Nevertheless, the first one is the only one which developes, Rationality, which is the one that relates the technology with Science. The technology overcomes the mere application of knowledge -tecnique- to include also a speculative dimension over the goals and the processes upon which we realize such an application. The technology appears in this way narrowlly related to the Science, in the measure in which they are valid to verify the same scientific Knowledge. What deals with the educative technology, it must be considered what it has in common with the technology in general, more on its specific nature of reflexion upon the educative goals and the foundamentations of the processes of action, according to the cientific principles of the Sciences of Education, which are of a social nature. The put into technological action of the education is a very rigorous action, which goes far away from the possible utilization of didactic recourse more or less sofisticated, and which suposes a previous planification, control and ethic implication with the action.Keywords
technology, educational technology, sciencePublished
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Copyright (c) 1988 Jaume Sarramona
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