Theatre: Communication and education


  • Xavier Úcar Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Every time is more the strength theatre is taking as a personal and social training methodology. The potentialities that, in this sense, presents have made that in these last years, was more and more present in the programmes, training and education schemes under the shape of dramatisations and childrend theatre. Anyway, other phenomenon like popular theatre, the district-theatre or the "peasant theatre" show their functionality with regard to the personal and interactive learning in the bosom of the community. Theatre constituites an experience that permits to live impulses, emotions, feelings and behaviors that, in the daily life, are normally repressed. All that forbiden in reality can be lived without any danger. We are in the field of simulation, of comunication, and in the field of "Katarsis". The goal that should guide and counsel any kind of school or socio/educative intervention that whould use theatre as a working methodology, independently from the kind or target gruup to whom it is adressed and the environment determinations would be to enlarge or implement the comunicative registers of the persons.


theater, communication, education




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