Role of the teacher in the implementation of cooperative learning in an integration classroom with deaf students


  • Cristina Cambra Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Cristina Laborada Molla Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


The aim of the present article is to explore the effect of co-operative learning -considering it as an alternative way to the traditional system of acquiring knowledge at school as well as a means to integrate totally or partially deaf students. Therefore, the authors try to observe how co-operative learning impacts upon the relationship of such a group of students. Thus, they check complete and already developed studies and adapt them not only from the point of view of deaf but also non-deaf students. Finally, after obtaining the results of the redesigned studies, they define the teacher’s role in all the co-operative processes involving deaf students.


deaf students, auditive deficiency, cooperative learning, social integration, special educational needs




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