Students who live in disadvantaged environments: special answers?


  • Asunción Moya Maya Universidad de Huelva
  • Francisco José García Moro Centro «Ciudad de los Niños»


When we talk about students with special educational needs and their integration in an ordinary curriculum, it seems that we are referring to students with very specific characteristics: impaired, physically disabled, handicapped . . . But there are other students who can not be defined within the previous standards, although they also have needs and problems and they are also students of the school. They are euphemistically called «socially deprived». The authors of this article have reflected on the answers offered within the school to these students in our present educational system. These are non-selective measures nor try to compensate inequities, but they are curricular answers given by the present legislation with-in the possibilities of the «curriculum adaptability». The measures and answers should present be initiated by adapting the school curriculum, the classroom curriculum and when required the individual curriculum.


educational special needs, curricular adaptation, improvetishment social environment




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