University reform: management from an institutional environment to a technical environment


  • Helena Troiano Gomà Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


The content of this paper is based on results from a doctoral thesis, which studied the curricula reform process of three computer science degrees in two higher education centres. In the specific context of university organisation, we might interpret the enactment of the LRU (Law of University Reform, 1983) as tantamount to exerting coercive pressure to bring about changes that would introduce universities into more technical environments (taking account of student and labour market demands). We are to analyse how university institutions differently take into account theses new requirements settled by the State. Some parameters have been revealed as essential in the study, they are selected here: university context, centres foundation, management mode, academics recruitment, and training aims.


university reform, technical environment /institutional environment, professionalization of the studies, teaching and academic achievement




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