The basis of the comparative method in education


  • Francesc Raventós Santamaría Universitat de Barcelona


What this study is aiming at is to establish the foundation of the comparative method in education. It succeeds in presenting an all-embracing view of twelve characteristics that make up a full system of the relations and interrelations which define comparative methodology. The main idea is that in order to establish a comparison between two facts its is necessary that they should have something in common and they must be seen to do this by the application of a comparative criteria which allows the-ordering and relation of the different variables which are the object of study. The comparison has as its object the discovery of the similàrities, differences and various relations that can be established. To compare is to think relatedly (in a related way). The importance of the coordinates, space and time, is insisted on in the comparison for this supposes an affinity or proximity geographically and historically. The comparison usually tends towards an unification or generalisation. One starts from a state of inequality or difference between two or more realities, but one finishes by discovering some principle of unity, some common law, between these. Besides in practice Comparative Pedagogy often expresses its desire to serve the ideal of unity between different peoples through an established unity in its educational systems. With the educational predictions that they are trying to help to form they want to give a base to the educational policies so that they function as correctly as possible. To enumerate the steps of comparative analysis the scheme of F. Hilker and G. Bereday is reproduced as it is now considered the classic in Comparative Pedagogy. It is fully explained in the commentary of each one of the four phases of which they consist and the original modalities of these are stated. It is emphasised that the comparative method must not limit itself to those called studies or area (or national and regional educational systems), but it must also be applied to other pedagogic systems. Finally some ways that are able to help the advance of Comparative Pedagogy are shown, although recognising the real limitations of this which is qualified as a more clarifying and directing discipline than is the norm.


method of comparative education, comparative method, comparative education




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