The writing rehabilitation of the mentally weak
The non-acquisition of written language can be an element of social margination, and it also represents the lack of a tool for personal growth and development. Its attainment, therefore, cannot be denied to the mentally weak. Nevertheless, its handicaps and the specific demands of this type of aprenticeship (symptomatic characteristics, imposed and limited area of performance, accuracy of performance) require a more carefully developed didactic program which attends not only the deficiency and its causes, but also its development and relationship to the other elements which make up the totality of school reality. The graphic perfomance of the mentally weak presents certain irregularities that strive, fundamentally, from the heterocromy of their mental development and the rejection of converging activities which, when learning how to write, require more time and practice. Individualization is the only means by which we will be able to really take into account all these aspects and communicate the vital meaning and importance of writing. Feeble motricity, perception deficiences, problems in space-temporal organisation, alterations in lateralization and affective disorders, are all deficiences that will have to be investigated through continued diagnosis. Paying special attention to this type of disorders, and the possible relationships between them, will allow us to increase the possibility of success in aiding the recovery of the writing ability. We can reduce feeble motricity with exercises that will increase the strength and muscular tone and aid in the adequate instrumentalization of the grasping movement of the fingers. At the same time we must inhibit or potentiate those associated movements that have to do with the practice of the affore mentioned grasping movement. All this must be combined with relaxing exercises in order to release tension, as well as periodic asserting exercises. In order to eliminate a deficient analisis of letters or qovements, we must consider possible space-temporal or perceptive disorders, and this will allow us to adequately structure what is being carried out in the area of graphic performance. Clearly marked lateral predominance will also contribute in providing points of reference for the elaboration of organizing schemes. Finally, special attention to possible affective disorders will help us reduce the possibilities of tension alien to the recovery itself.Keywords
writing rehabilitation, writing language, special educationPublished
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Copyright (c) 1983 Joaquín Gairín Sallán
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