Early stimulation: definition and some current experiences


  • C. Guinea Centre per a l'educació del deficient sensorial (C.P.E.D.S.) de l'Obra Social de la Caixa
  • M. Lleonhart Centre per a l'educació del deficient sensorial (C.P.E.D.S.) de l'Obra Social de la Caixa
  • N. Silvestre Centre per a l'educació del deficient sensorial (C.P.E.D.S.) de l'Obra Social de la Caixa
  • I. Martínez Centre per a l'educació del deficient sensorial (C.P.E.D.S.) de l'Obra Social de la Caixa
  • L. Zaurín Centre per a l'educació del deficient sensorial (C.P.E.D.S.) de l'Obra Social de la Caixa
  • C. Giné Centre per a l'educació del deficient sensorial (C.P.E.D.S.) de l'Obra Social de la Caixa


To speak of early stimulation generally leads us to refer to alterations in the childs development, and these disorders are usually given in a specific organism and atmosphere and also with certain specific social demands. The attainment of learning skills that will aid development is of basic importance, as is (and we have been able to ascertain it lately) the preventive aspect of early stimulation for mental as well as sensory . deficiency. The latter must be done considering previously established aims and taking into account the childs psychological and biological development, so as to carry out an early stimulation program which includes work in the different personal, social, linguistic and coarse and fine motricity areas. This task must be complemented with aid and cooperation from social services and from these childrens parents.


early stimulation, changes in development, special education




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