It is not about the data. The evolution of a clinical supervision curriculum and pedagogy


  • Duncan Waite Universidad del Estado de Texas


In recent years, after the numerous studies carried out, the conception of multi-tasking has become a myth. It has been shown that people are incapable of performing multiple simultaneous tasks equally well. That is the reason why relieving the supervisor from the task of simultaneously observing and documenting can permit him or her to better focus on interactional processes. Just as happens in lectures. Thus, the dialogue has more of a chance of being one between equals; attempting to understand the other’s perspective.
Therefore, is the null technique a panacea? The answer is no, but if used judiciously, it can wed the best of supervisory observation to the goals of supervisory conferences. In other words, self-directed teacher growth, unimpeded by the supervisor’s agenda.


evolution, clinical supervision, pedagogy, null technique




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