Close To, an educational European experience to improve the drivers beginners training


  • Tatiana Mora P.A.U. Education


Through the Close To project, an innovative educational method based on a peer education has been developed in order to reduce traffic accidents. The method has been implemented in driving schools in 11 European countries, and incorporates the figure of the peer mentor: an accident victim or traffic offender who talks to pupils about his/her experience, raising awareness about the risks of reckless driving. The educational method developed through Close To has been positively evaluated, and the peer mentors’ work has been seen to reduce reckless driving among new drivers.
Close To, co-financed by the European Commission since 2007, has been coordinated in Spain by PAU Education, which has extensive experience in road safety education and building communities, and operates the European Road Safety Charter (


Mentor, peers, offender, traffic accidents, reckless behaviour, young drivers




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