Teacher training provided by higher education institutions in Argentina. Cultivating institutional conditions for educational leadership


  • Inés Aguerrondo Universidad Católica de Argentina
  • Lea Vezub Universidad de Buenos Aires


More and more documents and researches have demonstrated the importance of teachers to involve students in school activities and their own learning, taking part in the processes of pedagogical changes and innovation. Initial training constitutes an essential request for the configuration of professional identity of teachers because it lays the foundations of pedagogical leadership that the complexity of educational processes demands at present.
Within that framework, we should ask ourselves whether the features taken by training institutions and their academic culture provide appropriate conditions for transmitting suitable knowledge, attitudes and abilities to future teachers for pedagogical leadership. This article summarizes the major findings obtained from a qualitative research, carried out in Argentina, on features of training institutions, which was reanalyzed from the perspective of its contribution to educational leadership.


initial teacher training, institutional conditions, educational leadership




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