Present trends of gender and the leadership management in different educational levels


  • María Pilar Cáceres Reche Universidad de Granada
  • Juan Manuel Trujillo Torres Universidad de Granada
  • Francisco Javier Hinojo Lucena Universidad de Granada
  • Inmaculada Aznar Díaz Universidad de Granada
  • Marina García Carmona Universidad de Granada


This paper shows a deep review about the most important national and international studies and researches on female leadership in schools in the different stages. While the first part deals with Non-University education, such as Pre-Primary education and Primary education, the second part summarizes the results obtained from researches carried out in Higher education and makes some observations on Secondary education. From a quantitative perspective, it is presented the percentage of men and women in managerial positions and several explanations that refer to a minority of women who hold social prestigious posts and decision making. Finally, we reflect on the presence of female leadership and we include a brief glossary with the most representative terms that appear in gender researches.


gender, leadership, power, management, gender stereotypes




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