Inclusive education for secondary students with special needs in the Region of Murcia


  • Ascensión Palomares Ruiz Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
  • Antonio Carlos González López IES San Isidoro de Cartagena


This paper shows a research which came up from the necessity to find an answer to the following question: What measures and strategies of inclusive education are applied for secondary students with special needs in the Region of Murcia? So, it is a contribution to the implementation of «Good Educational Practices» in Secondary Students with Special Needs in the Region of Murcia. The main contribution of this study arises from its focus: it is focused on secondary students with Special Needs. The research problem cropped up in 2009 and it was carried out until January, 2011. The research methodology employed was descriptive-qualitative and the instruments used to collect the data were the documentary analysis of private and public documents and a questionnaire with qualitative variables.


inclusive education, special needs, inclusive practices in Secondary Education, different educational responses




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