Profile and training of professionals who put psychomotor into practice during primary education: a case study in the region of Tarragona


  • Isabel Viscarro Tomàs Universitat Rovira i Virgili
  • Montserrat Antón Rosera Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Dolors Cañabate Ortíz Universitat de Girona


The aim of this research was to examine personal and professional characteristics of teachers who teach psychomotor and to analyze their training. The research methodology employed was quantitative-qualitative and the instrument used to collect data was the questionnaire.
The sample consists of 225 schools during the course of ten years (the research took ten years to carry out). The findings have made possible to make a comparative analysis and an assessment related to the objectives of the research. The outcomes show some contradictions regarding specific training in psychomotor and profile of teachers who impart psychomotor in schools.


profile of teachers, psychomotor training, elementary schools




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