Academic failure: a long and erratic way


  • José Luis Castel Baldellou
  • Oscar Valiente González


His article attempts to analyse the school failure from the different indicators that are obtained throughout compulsory schooling (primary and secondary) and that, in many moments give us clues and tips about then called school failure (percentage of people who fail to overcome the mandatory teachings), and, secondly, the unequal incidence of this school failure on the students depending on their social and cultural environment.Therefore shows the results obtained in Catalonia in various external assessments conducted in recent years: PISA 2003, PISA 2006, Evaluación general de diagnóstico 2010 and Competencias básicas 2009 and 2010. Checks the availability of indicators showing a bag of students since the age of 10, at risk of school failure, and also, as this failure has more impact on students from disadvantaged social classes. It examines whether the Cata-lonian Educational System is sufficiently fair and compensates for existing social inequa-lities or, conversely, reproduces them.Although the data presented are from different areas, is made special emphasis on the section of the reading competence. This section is specifically for the PISA study, thus, also evaluated is included in the communicative competence, General assessment of diag-nosis of the Ministry of Education and the powers of the Department of Education of the Catalan Parliament.


academic failure, key competences, social class, assessment.




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