The instructive communication in pre-school
A scheme of teacher-learner relation during the preschool stage, previously requires to define the kind of instruction that has been chosen. There are pre-school institutions that have as aim: the guardianship of the child and they do not care for anything else. Others strive to prepare the pupil for the primary school. There is a third group that has as aim to help the child in his process of maturity. Therefore, previous to didactic plan there exists the idiosyncracy of the teaching center. It is also important to take into account that the important didactic invariables, such as the indicative or repetitive dimenssion, the teaching pressure, motivation, etc. , are present in pre-school education, the same as the remaining cycles and levels of education, It is not a very special learning that has a different scheme, it is only a different scheme based on age, and nothing else. A didactical field, in pre-school education, in which little research has been done is: educational-discente relation at the moment of the instructive act. One of the clues of this problem is to determine the function and competence of the teacher; there is no doubt that the constancy of affective resonance is there, but it must be such that has to be just the appropriate way. It is not logical to adopt patterns of affective relation of the kind of maternal relation-ship, because the educational- discente relation is, first of all, an educational relation. It is common in many institutions to put forward definite subjects taken from textbooks as contents of instructive communication. But it is known that the only content that is valid is the one that is born in the personal experience and agrees with the interests of the child. Everything else is neither valid nor helpful to motivate the child constantly. Finally, it is necessary to insist on the difference of the pattern of communication that has be employed. The child, in his every day life, uses and abuses of the dynamic and plastic models; on the contrary, with the exception of his own language, he seldom employs symbolical models. This pure vital fact is symptomatic and is suggesting which the most adequate patterns are for communicating with the pre-school child.Keywords
communication, pre-school, teacher-studentPublished
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