Pre-school education in the European region


  • Ferran Ferrer i Julià Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


One intends to show the main aspects of Pre-school Education in Europe, in a general way, without stating in detail, the definite problematic of each of the countries that form this Region. Therefore, it is a useful instrument of comparison to be used with respect to any of the countries of the area. First of all one shows the terminology used by international organizations to give name to this educational level (concretely: O. E. C. D. , UNESCO and I. L. O. ) and the one employed by particular experts in this matter. Later on one analyses very briefly some of the main causes of Preschool expansion in the world without pretending with this, a generalization for all and each of the countries, although we do seek common features to the roots that cause such expansion. On the following paragraph, one shows some information about preschool situation in the world having as basis the principal variables: Fees and rate of Pre-school schooling Pre-school teaching staff Ratio pupils/pre-school teacher The one analyses the Pre-school situation in the Region: Europe, having as basis the three previous variables and two more: Structure of Pre-school level Public expenditure assigned to Pre-school Each of' these variables intends to systematize the presentation of information (data) in such a way that permits to make a correct juxtaposition between the group of countries in the world and the ones that form the Region: Europe. Finally, in the fifth paragraph one decides on which the future tendencies of Pre-school will be in the Region: Europe, systematizing them according to the variables previously mentioned for being analysed, and stating immediately some of the most important problems that Europe will meet (or perhaps they already exist) to make effective the expansion of this level with a minimun acceptable degree of quality.


pre-school education, Europe, educational trends




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