Pre-writing refers to the group of actions aiming at preparing a person to perform the learning of writing. Basically it considers the intellectual, perceptive, motor and affectionate process that makes it possible and seeks the most competent methology to get its maturity and development . It emphasizes, in the first place, the fact that writing is a semiological communication. Consequently, it is appropriate to develop a methology of communication that starting from the very first languages (sign and oral language) can permit the person to get through a learning process and experimentation -creation of symbols, examination and creation of symbolical code, use of social codes- to the writing code. But writing is also a graphic fulfilment. In this sense, pre-writing must get, showing consideration for the general laws of maturity, an adequate motor development that can guarantee the carrying out of the features that form ewriting,. Special attention will be paid to the elements that take part in the inscription for being indicators of the process of maturity of the person and for its influence in the way in which letters are arranged. Finally the consideration of personal aspect of writing makes possible to promote its living (animated) value. In order to achieve this, one has to enhance, in its individual sease, and also instrumental and social, the graphic productions that pre-school pupils fulfil. The whole of this complex process advocates the achievement of specific programmes that take nature and the importance of writing into consideration. All of them must respect, on one side, the contribution that other subjects such as psychomotor, drawing and plastic activities carry out. On the other hand, they must support by specific exercises the achievement of movements of progression and inscription, elaborating a methology of graphic characteristic that considers its order of performance and rules related to its teaching.Keywords
pre-writing, communication, schoolPublished
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Copyright (c) 1984 Joaquín Gairín Sallán
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