Perceptions about the ICT coordinator of Intelligent Educational Centres. A case study


  • Mercedes Romero Rodrigo Universitat de València
  • José Peirats Chacón Universitat de València
  • Ángel San Martín Alonso Universitat de València
  • Isabel Gallardo Fernández Universitat de València


This paper shows the findings of a study intended to analyse the ICT coordinator of an educational centre, and the perceptions of both the coordinator and other teachers of that school in terms of their roles and tasks. The peculiarity of this case is that this coordinator’s job takes place at a school that participates in the Intelligent Educational Centres (IEC) programme which therefore classifies it as a Singular Education Action Centre (SEAC). The results obtained here are part of a larger study that examines the controversies faced by ICT coordinators at IECs, as well as the integration model of the ITC parallel to the 1 to 1 model which has been tried out only in the Spanish Region of Valencia.

Data collection was carried out using qualitative and quantitative measurements, and these results confirm, amongst other things, the lack of preparatory training, the need for recognition or an incentive for these teachers and the importance in this initiative of the support of the board of directors (board of governors) and teaching staff of the school.


new technologies, school organization, educational programmes, educational resources, ICT integration




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