Integrating ICT to reformulate the teaching model: the EduCAT 2.0 programme


  • Josep Lluís Estaña Viver IES L'Estatut, Rubí
  • Pepi Garrote Alcaide Departament d'Ensenyament
  • Marga Viñolas Guerro Departament d'Ensenyament


In this article, we present the experience of the implementation of the programme EduCAT 2.0. in the school INS L’Estatut in the Catalan town of Rubí over the last three courses. This project has resulted in significant methodological changes in both the classroom and in terms of teacher training. In parallel with the introduction of the personal computer we have introduced work for cooperating groups in the classroom, and for this reason the computer has become a tool of didactic innovation.

In addition to describing and analysing the whole process, we present the example of science classes, with an emphasis on how a didactic change with IT resources has been implemented and to the major problems encountered.


ICT, innovation, educational technology, 1x1 Programs


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Author Biographies

Josep Lluís Estaña Viver, IES L'Estatut, Rubí

Professort de INS l'Estatut de Rubí. Professor de ciències

Pepi Garrote Alcaide, Departament d'Ensenyament

Professora de matemàtiques de secundària.

Marga Viñolas Guerro, Departament d'Ensenyament

Psicopedagoga i Professora de secundària.




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