The bimodal curriculum as a methodological framework for students’ assessment: basic principles and improvements on learning and students’ academic achievements


  • Pere Marqués Graells Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Isabel Alvarez Cánovas Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona


This research focuses on the educational innovation in primary and secondary schools by applying the principles and methodology of the “bimodal curriculum” at the same time wants to check out the efficiency on reducing school failure and the improvement for all of the students’ achievement. This study was funded by Fundación Telefónica during two years 2011-2013, raising positive results for reducing school failure among the pilot schools.

This study has a sample of 30 schools both National and International context and with the collaboration of more than 150 teachers. The kind of methodology used is qualitative and qualitative grounding its data through different instruments: the use teacher assessment questionnaires and the gathering of information in the follow-up seminars. The main results of this research are that 94% of the teachers acknowledge the improvement of their students as far it concerns comprehension and root knowledge of the vocabulary and with 87% improvement for the practical activities. Overall, the research has had a direct impact on improving the academic performance of the majority of students.  This research concludes with some ideas for future studies.



Bimodal curriculum, school failure, ICT, curricular change, educational innovation, teachers’ training




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