Universities of the European Higher Education Area and the Undergraduate Dropout Rate: Causes and Strategic Proposals of Prevention
This article presents the results of the project titled “Causes of Undergraduate Dropout at the University of Zaragoza" sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences and the Vice- Rectorate of Students of this university to determine the dropout rate since the implementation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), as well as its causes and possible prevention strategies. An empirical descriptive approach using qualitative and quantitative research techniques has been employed, specifically the revision of existing statistics, a survey of 128 students from the University of Zaragoza who dropped out, and a communicative discussion group with coordinators of the degree programs. The results indicate that the total dropout rate, at just 3%, is not significant, while the partial dropout rate is larger, affecting 24% of undergraduate students. Causal multidimensionality shows that the students allude to extra-academic factors such as labour incompatibility, while teaching faculty point to academic causes such as lack of motivation or inappropriate academic profiles when undertaking a degree. Proposals for improvement focus on continuing with the EHEA methodologies of continuous assessment, while trying to reconcile them with non face-to-face teaching, better academic guidance of students in previous stages, or the development of motivational practices at university, such as zero courses, student clubs, or mentoring projects.Keywords
dropout, university, EHEA, undergraduate degrees, causes, prevention, University of ZaragozaReferences
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