Workplace training for students in initial vocational training: Analysis of performance and future perspectives


  • Esteban Vázquez-Cano Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
  • Ana María García-Iglesias Consejería de Educación de Castilla-La Mancha
  • Ana Isabel Holgueras González Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia


Workplace training (WT) is currently one of the most important components of vocational training. This paper explores WT modules from both a theoretical and empirical approach in a sample of schools offering initial vocational training in the fields of Hair & Beauty and Administrative Services. A qualitative methodology integrating social network analysis was used to determine the weak and strong points of WT modules and identify proposals for improvement from the viewpoint of teachers and students. The results show that both students and teachers consider these professional modules to be of great importance. Both groups agree that the main strengths of WT modules is that they increase students’ autonomy and sense of responsibility and provide them the opportunity to implement professional skills in a real working environment. However, improvements are needed in terms of the time teachers have available to dedicate to monitoring students in work placements and searching for participating companies. Furthermore, it is necessary to upgrade school equipment and resources.


workplace training, vocational education and training, module-based training, professional development


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