Towards a social justice approach: Teachers’ perception of intercultural education in contexts with a scarce presence of foreign students


  • Concepción Maiztegui-Oñate Universidad de Deusto
  • Lourdes Villardón-Gallego Universidad de Deusto
  • Miguel Ángel Navarro Lashayas ALBOAN
  • Rosa Santibáñez Gruber Universidad de Deusto


This article examines the experience of an intercultural education project in two primary schools with a small number of foreign students. The objective of the study is twofold. Firstly, we analyze the process to implement the proposed activities. Secondly, we attempt to contribute to the theoretical debate by reflecting on the notion of interculturality in the education field from a broad intercultural education approach related to global citizenship and education for development. For the field work, a qualitative methodological design of an exploratory nature was used based on focus groups (3 groups) and the use of teachers’ logbooks (10), which allowed us to analyze current theoretical questions about the role of education. The results reveal that although the intercultural approach addresses both native and immigrant students, in general, the teachers have a narrow view of the concept as they identify interculturality with foreign populations. Three views of interculturality are distinguished: a) a generalist type; b) a model focused on cultural aspects; and c) a model related to social justice, which provides the opportunity to delve deeper into other projects in the school setting such as those related to education in values.


intercultural education, teachers’ attitudes, education for development


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Author Biographies

Concepción Maiztegui-Oñate, Universidad de Deusto

Profesora titular del departamento de Pedagogía Social y Diversidad de la facultad de Psicología y Educación. 

Miembro del equipo de investigación Retos Sociocultruales y Derechos humanso en un mundo en transformación (reconocido comom equipo A por el Gobierno Vasco)

Lourdes Villardón-Gallego, Universidad de Deusto

Catedrática de la facultad de Psicología y Educación. Directora del departamento de Didáctica y desarrollo curricular

Rosa Santibáñez Gruber, Universidad de Deusto

Catedrática de Pedagogía Social y Diversidad.




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