Analysis of the motivations and expectations of master’s students in education
This paper explores the perception of master’s students in education related to transition, satisfaction, and perspectives with an emphasis on the role of motivations and expectations. Using a descriptive methodological procedure, a questionnaire was administered to a sample of 297 students enrolled in master’s degree programs in education. The results indicate that students’ motivations for entry are primarily related to expanding their educational background; high levels of satisfaction are associated with the relationship with colleagues; and the professional perspective is oriented towards labor insertion. In contrast, students encounter difficulties in managing their careers upon completion of the program, as well as opportunities for specialization, access to doctoral programs, and professional practice within various personal projects. The study reveals that the students’ profiles are heterogeneous and conditioned by previous professional experience, which determines their attitude towards formative processes and their expectations in relation to them.Keywords
professional expectations, transition to professional life, motivation, academic satisfaction, master’s degreeReferences
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Copyright (c) 2019 Pedro Jurado de los Santos; Pilar Figuera Gazo; Juan Llanes Ordóñez
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