The family-school relationship from a democratic perspective: Lines of analysis and proposals for equity



The question “How much inequality can a democratic society bear?” frames the analysis of the relationship between parents and schools from a democratic and egalitarian perspective. Based on these two lines of analysis and supported by the international literature, this paper shows that the relationship between parents and teachers can be improved in terms of both democracy and equity. Dimensions such as school governance, the inclusion of diverse families or attention to inequalities are analyzed. Finally, based on the principles of inclusion, equity, empowerment and democratic deepening, we propose rethinking the role of schools, their practices and their governance to transform them into spaces capable of constructing experiences and education in, about and for democracy in conditions of equity as proposed by authors such as Biesta or Edelstein.


parent-school relationship, democracy, inequalities, equity, families, governance, empowerment


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Author Biography

Jordi Collet-Sabé, Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya

Professor titular de sociologia de l'educació

Departament de Pedagogia

Facultat d'Educació




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