Does mentoring for young women introduce a feminist approach? A scoping review


  • Mireia Foradada Villar Universitat de Lleida
  • Josefina Sala Roca Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Although mentoring for young people at risk of social exclusion is a widespread educational intervention strategy, little research has been conducted on mentoring for young women aimed at eradicating gender inequalities. This article examines the existing scientific literature on mentoring for young women by means of a scoping review. A total of 1,256 studies were compiled from six specialized databases. Of these, 21 papers were selected and analyzed in depth, three of which are defined by the authors as feminist mentoring (Femtoring). Our analysis served to identify the main characteristics of mentoring programs for young women and the implications of the feminist perspective at the socio-educational level. Furthermore, reflective tools are provided on the empowerment processes stemming from a feminist approach to mentoring programs.


mentoring, young women, review, scoping review, feminist perspective


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