The “odeseization” of education and development cooperation in Spain: An international look at ODA and SDG 4



This article examines the sectorial policy of official development assistance (ODA) linked to education through the cosmopolitan engineering of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that have defined global policies (Barandiarán, 2017), of which cooperation and education constitute two objects of analysis and research. To this end, we review the Spanish case of the ODA–education tandem and how, closely linked to the homogenizing world political orthodoxy that is intentionally expressed by international organizations, ODA at present and in this specific area has been channelled and transmuted into the fourth Sustainable Development Goal (ODS 4), also focused on education. Qualitative techniques are used to analyse documents and content of international organizations and official reports on ODA and SDG 4. The conclusions highlight the initial discourse of the existing link between current Spanish policy on SDG 4 and that of ODA, while elucidating its most immediate future projection.


development cooperation, education, official development assistance, Sustainable Development Goals, international education


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Author Biographies

María-Jesús Martínez-Usarralde, Universitat de València

Profesora Titular de Universidad.

Departament d' Educació Comparada i História de l'Educació.

Facultat de Filosofia i Ciències de l' Educació.

Universitat de València.

Carmen Lloret-Catalá, Universitat de València

Profesora Ayudante Doctor de Universidad.

Departament d' Educació Comparada i História de l'Educació.

Facultat de Filosofia i Ciències de l' Educació.

Universitat de València.




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