The idealization of the teaching profession and the limits of teacher training: A case analysis



This work addresses the presence of idealization or stereotyped ways of imagining the exercising of the profession of teacher, within the framework of initial teacher training, and the consequences it has for the development of teaching in teacher training and for the future of today’s trainee teachers. A case study is developed. The context is a support process for teaching improvement. A mixed, quantitative and qualitative methodology is used. The perceptions of the teacher figure in two primary school teacher class groups with which a teacher works are analyzed. A student survey is conducted. The results were discussed with the teacher in charge and the group. The triangulation of information with different techniques allowed the genesis of a balanced report on idealization. The results denote the adherence of future teachers to a duty to be a professional with high aims, a perspective highly focused on teaching for transmission, which ignores both the characteristics of learning and teaching issues that could improve it, and that hinder teacher training.


teacher characteristics, primary education, beliefs, motivations, teacher training


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