Correlational analysis of the applicability of flipped learning according to the particularities of teaching practice



This study analyses factors that influence teachers’ decision to use or rule out flipped learning as a methodology; specifically, the scope of the subject, the educational stage, the type of institution and the level of continuing education. The research is based on a nonexperimental and quantitative descriptive and correlational design. A validated, ad hoc questionnaire was used as a measuring instrument in a sample of 642 teachers from various educational institutions in Spain. The results reflect that the use of flipped learning as a didactic methodology is very rare, mainly due to teachers’ lack of knowledge about how the methodology works and the scarcity of techno-pedagogical resources where they teach. Flipped learning is primarily used for teaching topics related to language and mathematics in secondary and higher education, particularly in private and state-funded private schools with respect to public ones. Likewise, specific training in flipped learning was found to be a determining factor for the applicability of the methodology, regardless of the level of training in other active methodologies.


correlation analysis, activity method, information and communication technologies, teaching profession


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Author Biographies

Santiago Pozo Sánchez, Universidad de Granada

Grupo de Investigación AREA HUM-672

Jesús López Belmonte, Universidad de Granada

Grupo de Investigación AREA HUM-672

Arturo Fuentes Cabrera, Universidad de Granada

Grupo de Investigación AREA HUM-672

Juan Antonio López Núñez, Universidad de Granada

Grupo de Investigación AREA HUM-672




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