Learning experience with digital technologies and its influence on the scientific competence of high school students
Previous studies link the educational use of digital technologies with scientific literacy, but there is a shortage of studies that focus on the impact of the learning experience with technologies on scientific competence. Furthermore, in relation to gender, the scientific literature is inconsistent. The research we present is quantitative and follows a descriptive method with comparative and predictive designs. We aim to determine the influence of a learning experience with digital technologies on scientific competence (self-perceived and observed) in the natural sciences among 160 students (80 boys and 80 girls) in basic secondary education in Bogotá, Colombia. The findings show that there are no significant differences according to gender in scientific competence and that the learning experience with digital technologies predicts self-perceived scientific competence. The results are discussed with recent studies on scientific training mediated by technologies.
gender studies, scientific literacy, technological literacy, secondary education, experiential learningReferences
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