Gamification: methodology for the development of specific and transversal competences in pre-service teachers
The development of students’ competences is one of the central focuses of our current educational system. There is an obvious need to provide society with resources and skills that allow them to cope with the demands of academic, working and social contexts with fluency and efficiency. This need is channelled through teaching methods that facilitate the development of competences and make educational processes more dynamic. The objective of this study is to know the perception of students, who are studying the Degree in Teaching in Infant Education and the Degree in Teaching in Primary Education (N=95), about their competence development through a gamified educational experience. For this purpose, a qualitative analysis of the opinions collected in learning diaries is carried out through the grounded theory. The study shows that gamification is effective for the acquisition and development of specific and transversal competences related to the history of Spanish education, among which communication and social skills, teamwork and time management skills stand out. The conclusions indicate this gamified experience is an example of a conscious education, which respects the learning rhythms of the students, encourages metacognition and promotes their involvement in the construction of their own knowledge.
gamification, competences, higher education, qualitative research, teacher training, grounded theoryReferences
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