The VESS model and the development of executive functions at early ages to cope with life in society


  • María Helena Romero Esquinas Universidad de Córdoba
  • Juan Manuel Muñoz González Universidad de Córdoba
  • María Dolores Hidalgo Ariza Universidad de Córdoba


This work aims to discover the opinion of future teachers and educators studying for a degree in Early Childhood Education or Primary Education, or a master’s in Inclusive Education, at the University of Córdoba (Spain), of the use of the VESS Model, an innovative model based on creating a culture of thought in the classroom; and to discover whether they believe that using this method in educational praxis leads to an improvement not just pedagogically but also socially. The methodology used for this is quantitative, with a cross-sectional design and a previously prepared and tested questionnaire. The data collected was analysed using descriptive and inferential analysis. The results obtained show that the students think that the use of this model increases their social participation, communication and understanding, making them more self-reliant and confident. In addition, the study also finds that the use of new technologies, cooperative learning and emotional development is very powerful in terms of developing executive skills. These conclusions encourage future teachers to use active methodologies that use thought as the main pedagogical axis in the teachinglearning process.


social interaction, higher education, thought


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