Trainee teachers encountering neurodiversity: An analysis of the context, commitment and future direction of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
This article analyses the first results of a project based on the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and its application in the area of neurodiversity. Its initial hypotheses are, first, that training in UDL among students studying for a degree in Early Childhood Education is limited, as the results of the pre-test shows; and secondly, that a basic conceptual introduction based on a designed and validated instrument that helps them design barrier-free learning situations will allow them to learn from educational practice and apply diversity inclusion as part of their responsibilities as generalist teachers. For methodology, we used a dual method consisting of a constructivist approach and educational action research, through the use of a tool for workshop design within the framework of project-based learning. The results of the post-test confirm that trainee teachers share a concern for and commitment to lifelong learning that will offer genuine equality and inclusion for their future students.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL), neurodiversity, LOMLOE, learning barriers, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Early Childhood EducationReferences
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