Education and participatory research in emergency situation


  • Vicenzo Sarracino Universidad de Nápoles


In May 1984 the idea of organizing an International Seminar emerged as a consequence of the “bradisismo”, phenomenon, which since 1970 is occurring in the town of Pozzuoli. The object being to provide a ground where scientific- technical research coult meet with the participative experience of thispopulation in order to solve the problems together. Its aim being to stimulate the community to consider natural catastrophes as events to be faced and overcome through solidarity and civil co-existence, educating themselves through solving the problems. The article emphasizes the main agreement reached at the seminar; to create a L. aboratory for the scientific study of earth and man. This argument meets the perspective of new ideas which are evolving from continuing education.


educación permanente, experiencias participativas, Italia




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