A strategy for diversity: the flexible classroom


  • Bernat del Rincón Igea IES Escola Industrial de Sabadell
  • Joaquim Salvador Oliver IES Escola Industrial de Sabadell
  • Glòria Valls Giralt IES Escola Industrial de Sabadell


The authors of the present article, who are all of them members of the EAD in the IES of the Sabadell’s Industrial College, show the different strategies that have been used there during the course 1995-96 with the aim of integrating the diversity existing in its classrooms. Particularly, they give emphasis to the Flexible Classroom, being open, interdisciplinary and promoting integration, as well as it matches the educational profile of the school to the special needs of students with learning problems inside the ordinary classroom.


diversity, FP, ESO, learning difficulties, special educational needs




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