Theoretical analysis of tolerance as a perception built in the classroom


  • Edgardo Ruiz Carrillo Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Roberto Arzate Robledo Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


In this study is made the theoretic analysis from the perception of the master from the career of odontology from the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala of UNAM of the toleration in the classroom for understand and improve the process from the teaching and learning. On make the transcription, theoretical and interpretation from the master discourse, about of the toleration since the interview, we encounter first the necessity of correction as a way of orientation and separation of different camps the though from the students with the intention of the control over the speaking in the classroom, although the speaking between pupils it isn't negative, if there is a mutual feedback for activate contribution from the pupil to guidance construction from the knowledge, prevailing the contact with the daily happening without the technical speech. So, it is important to make emphasis in the cooperative and significant learning in opposition on traditional methodology where the role play of the pupil is transmitter knowledge one another and the master isn't the fountain unique of information.


toleration, cooperative learning, perception and theoretical




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