The research in the education before the idea of "change"
One of the major trends defining the current times is the transformation of social relationships and production systems. In this epoch, characterised by the concept of change, we must reflect about the impact of all that on education, looking for the best way to deal with such changes. We assume this porpoise from the following perspectives: going in depth in the democratisation of education, increasing the agents participation on it and considering the professional cultural development founded in a wider professional autonomy and accountability. We know that all those required changes are cultural in nature. Furthermore, we realise that they are related to a deeper commitment (cognitive, emotional, practical. . . ) coming from both, public policies and from practicians as well. Thirdly, we know that because of its impact, such changes enclose a big degree of incertitude in its development and that not all the social groups and individuals are in equal conditions for assuming the new learning conditions. But we know as well that social engineering processes will not produce such changes, even accepting the fact tat they do need strong public policies and institutional commitments. The current reflection about what trends must adopt Action-Research in the current social process of change is an attempt to understand and intervene on reality and professional culture assuming the complexity of the cultural and social constrictions that shapes it.Keywords
change management, democratization, professional culture, professional accountability, educative policies, action researchPublished
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Copyright (c) 2004 Joan Rué
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