Citizenship and dialogic learning in the university programs for adult people: reflections and experiences from the critical pedagogy
The current essay is a reflexion and a proposal to work upon the concept of citizenship with educational groups of aged-adult. The universitarian programmes for adults are based on building conditions and ways of participation that allow us adults not just promote educational, cultural and social process, but also respond to the great handicap of education at a global level: to learn to cohabit with each other.
Along the first part of this article we analyze some theorical coordinates about learning through dialogue, citizenship and «co-living» in universitarian programmes for agedadults. Along the second part we are going to offer an example about how to take to the practice. We will indicate first the situational data that place destinataries and the institution to which we try to aply that method and, afterwards, we will present the model of design and its development as one more of the possibilities among many we could work upon.
We propose, in sume, a change on the way of judging situations from the point of view of justice and a compromise to behave morally in these situations.
Citizenship, immigration, adult educationPublished
Copyright (c) 2008 María Tejedor Mardomingo, Henar Rodríguez Navarro
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