University teacher training for the design, development and assessment of competences


  • Dolores Rodríguez Martínez Universidad de Almería
  • Javier Roca Piera Universidad de Almería
  • José Manuel de Amo Sánchez-Fortún Universidad de Almería
  • Antonio Alias Sáez Universidad de Almería
  • Josefa Márquez Membrive Universidad de Almería


The elaboration of the curriculum for the new official university degrees involves a great challenge because it requires, not only, endowing with sense education from the competences that students must acquire, but also insisting on the evaluation of these competences and their adjustment to learning outcomes. Moreover, we have to take into consideration that from the selection and definition of the competences to its adjustment to learning outcomes, a long and reflexive process (description of capacities, indicators of accomplishment, activities of learning, criteria and instruments of evaluation) takes place. This question is raised in this paper in order to facilitate teachers the design and development of this new educative model, through a blended learning (b-learning) and taking as a reference the subjects/lessons given.


competences, indicators, learning outcomes, assessment tools




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