Education actions for groups in a situation of social vulnerability in Aragon. Immigrant students with linguistic diversity. What is still the underlying problem?


  • Rebeca Soler Costa


The students’ heterogeneity reaches higher levels when the school population reflects the multiculturalism of a society which, like the Aragonese, hosts a remarkable number of immigrants, many of them unaware the official school language; their children are, there-fore, vulnerable in their classrooms and in society. The Education Act, national and regio-nal, has established various education actions considering the risks of school failure and dropout and social exclusion of these students. In this article these education actions in the Aragonese context are reviewed, to subsequently develop a critical thinking on the school and social background that hinder or even neutralize its scope; obviously, the posed critical questions are not exclusively attributable to the Aragonese education system.


immigrant students, linguistic diversity, linguistic immersion programs, inclu-sive school, critical pedagogy




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